
Banco Sabadell and PYMAR to issue guarantees for Naval PERTE

  • Both institutions signed an agreement today, under which the new fund created by PYMAR, FONDPERTE, will cover Banco Sabadell guarantees for beneficiaries of the naval strategic project for economic recovery and transformation (proyecto estratégico para la recuperación y transformación económica, or PERTE).
  • Almudena López del Pozo, Chief Executive Officer of PYMAR, said that by doing so “PYMAR will make it easier for beneficiaries to meet the requirements set out in the call for applications so that they may receive financial aid for the projects that they submit”.
  • Carlos Ventura, General Manager of Business Banking and Branches at Banco Sabadell, noted that this agreement is an embodiment of the Institution’s commitment to the strategic industry that is shipbuilding, with the intention of contributing to its growth and development and, ultimately, to create employment and enhance our country’s industrial capabilities.

July 17th, 2023. General Manager of Business Banking and Branches at Banco Sabadell, Carlos Ventura, and Chief Executive Officer of PYMAR, a company with representatives of the main private shipyards in Spain, Almudena López del Pozo, signed an agreement today for Banco Sabadell to grant guarantees for projects under the Naval PERTE, which will be covered by the new guarantee fund created by PYMAR, called FONDPERTE. With this agreement, Banco Sabadell and PYMAR will offer companies participating in the Naval PERTE an agile and efficient procedure to obtain the guarantees required from applicants seeking to secure financial aid.

The shipbuilding industry is a fundamental pillar for Banco Sabadell, due to its direct contribution and to its contribution to the development of other economic activities, as Carlos Ventura explained. “Our priority will be to help and support the sector, not only to improve its value chain, but also to realise its goals in terms of technology and sustainability”, said Ventura. Banco Sabadell is offering this industry access to its capillarity and to a specialised professional network. The General Manager of Business Banking and Branches at Banco Sabadell underlined the role played by the Institution as a facilitating agent of the resources needed to simplify the process associated with the Next Generation EU funds as much as possible, thanks to its business model based on trusted relationships with customers and on finding the best possible solutions.

Almudena López del Pozo explained that “PYMAR will make it easier for beneficiaries to meet the requirements set out in the call for applications so that they may receive financial aid for the projects that they submit”. López del Pozo emphasised the importance of this initiative “after having promoted and coordinated the participation of private shipyards, of companies in the value chain with which they work and collaborate every day, and of institutions from the marine renewable energy sector which open the door to new opportunities for the diversification of activity”. According to the Chief Executive Officer of PYMAR, “promoting this project together with Banco Sabadell, which has been supporting the shipbuilding industry for years, is a guarantee of success, agility and professionalism”.

The Naval PERTE

The Naval PERTE (proyecto estratégico para la recuperación y transformación económica, or ‘strategic project for economic recovery and transformation’) is a comprehensive initiative designed to transform the shipbuilding industry’s value chain by channelling the Next Generation EU funds. It is based on the pillars of digitalisation, improvements in environmental sustainability, diversification to include more marine renewable energies and low-emissions vessels, and employee training. Because of all this, it is considered to be a strategic and fundamental way of ensuring that the shipbuilding industry can continue to be competitive in the medium and long term.

PYMAR, in collaboration with Navantia, coordinated the submission to the Naval PERTE of a so-called ‘tractor project’ comprising 41 primary projects, with the participation of 95 companies from across the value chain. This ‘tractor project’, which has an initial overall budget of 219 million euros, is the third largest to be submitted to the PERTEs approved to date. The projects submitted to the Naval PERTE are currently being evaluated, with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism expected to provisionally announce the recipients of the financial aid in the coming weeks.

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