Rafael Nadal, new brand ambassador Banco Sabadell

Rafael Nadal will be the fourth professional athlete to link your image to Banco Sabadell, although in this case a ratio greater depth tour and that exceed even your current sporting stage, making Nadal in the distinctive Banco Sabadell in their activities will be established commercial and corporate high relief.

Featured news


Josep Oliu: “Banco Sabadell generates more value for its shareholders as a standalone bank”

The Chairman of Banco Sabadell, Josep Oliu, stated this Thursday at a meeting of over 300 shareholders of the Institution that the Bank’s project as a solo institution generates more value for all its shareholders, as the share price...


César González-Bueno, Leopoldo Alvear, Lluc Sas and Investor Relations service at Banco Sabadell recognised by European analysts and investors at awards organised by Extel

The financial institution stands out once more in Europe and wins Most Honoured Company award in the category of ‘small & midcap’ banks, promoted by former...


Communication to shareholders of Banco Sabadell

Dear Shareholder. I am again writing to you in order to update you on the hostile public takeover bid that BBVA has put in for Banco Sabadell


The Banco Sabadell Foundation recognises the work of two young researchers in the fields of fertility and sustainable agriculture

The Banco Sabadell Foundation decided to award the 19th Award for Biomedical Research to biologist and researcher Elvan Böke and the 8th Award for Sciences and Engineering to environmentalist...


Banco Sabadell securitises a 1.1 billion portfolio of renewable energy projects

Banco Sabadell continues with its consolidated sustainability strategy by launching the first sustainable synthetic securitisation on a €1.1 billion portfolio of loans to projects mostly related to renewable energies (project finance).


Josep Oliu: “The merger of BBVA and Banco Sabadell would have a negative impact on SMEs”

The Chairman of Banco Sabadell, Josep Oliu, has stated that “it is clear that the merger of BBVA and Sabadell would have a negative impact on companies, above all on SMEs”, because it would hinder their access to credit and services...

Foundation News


The Banco Sabadell Foundation recognises research focused on financial sector regulation

The Banco Sabadell Foundation has chosen to grant the XXIII Award for Economic Research to Eduardo Dávila, Professor of Economics and Finance at Yale University, for his work at the intersection of financial economics and the economics...


The Banco Sabadell Foundation recognises the work of two young researchers in the fields of fertility and sustainable agriculture

The Banco Sabadell Foundation decided to award the 19th Award for Biomedical Research to biologist and researcher Elvan Böke and the 8th Award for Sciences and Engineering to environmentalist...


Prof Elena Manresa receives the 21st Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research

Prof Elena Manresa has received the Award for her research work in the field of microeconometrics and for her contribution to the analysis of panel data and its application to the study of social interactions.

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Banco de Sabadell, S.A. Avenida Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered with the Mercantile Register in Alicante, tome 4070, folio 1, page A-156980, Fiscal Identification Number (NIF) A08000143.
Financial institution under the supervision of the Bank of Spain and registered in the Special Administrative Register under number 0081
Email address info@bancsabadell.com - Banco de Sabadell, SA, 2014. All rights reserved.