
5th Edition of B-Value: a resounding success


B-Value, the programme that we promote together with the Banco Sabadell Foundation to encourage the transformation of the Third Sector through innovation, selects the organisations that will participate in its 5th Edition. The aim of the programme is to help develop projects from a strategic point of view, design new models for generating income, professionalise the value proposition and move away from traditional philanthropic schemes. Therefore, and given the challenges arising from the COVID-19 crisis, the increase in the number of places (usually 40) has been proposed for this edition; therefore, 43 social organisations will be selected across Spain.

A session open to all Bank employees was held on 15 March: “In Your Shoes: Strategic approach to social innovation and the Third Sector”, where more than 40 Banco Sabadell professionals were able to gain awareness of the Third Sector. For this 5th Edition of the programme, 43 Banco Sabadell professionals will support the selected organisations, contributing their expertise and wide experience to provide maximum value. Click this link to view the recorded session: “In Your Shoes: Strategic approach to social innovation and the Third Sector”

In total, more than 150 applications were submitted for this 5th Edition. Among the selected projects, the most represented fields of action include employment, health, social services or education, among others. Moreover, the groups on which the projects will focus range from people with intellectual or physical disability, people living in poverty, immigrants or refugees and children, among many others.

Regional representation

As regards their region of origin, Catalonia with 14 organisations and Madrid with 12 are the Autonomous Communities with the most selected organisations, followed by the Basque Country with 6, Andalusia and Aragon with 3 each, Galicia with 2 and the Canary Islands, Asturias and Navarre with 1 each.

The selected organisations will now start the first phase of the programme, during which they will receive training on innovation and the development of self-sustainable social projects from leading professionals in third sector areas, social innovation and entrepreneurship.

10 finalists will then be selected for the second phase. These organisations aspire to receive financial aid, furnished by the Banco Sabadell Foundation and the Juan Entrecanales de Azcárate Foundation, as well as pro-bono advice including a tailor-made consultancy service provided by the PwC Foundation, the design and development of a communications campaign by AFTERSHARE.TV, a consultancy session with Salto con Red and professional help from companies belonging to the Hazloposible network.

Organisations selected for the 5th Edition of B-Value

  • Catalonia: Acoes Catalunya, Associació Disminuïts Físics d'Osona, Asociación SUPerando, Associació Prevenció Suïcidi, Associació Verificat, FEDAIA, Fundación Oncología Infantil Enriqueta Villavecchia, Fundació Acció Social Infància, Fundació Privada Catalana Síndrome de Down, Fundació Privada Mas Albornà, Fundación Esclerosis Múltiple, INTEGRA: Associació per la Inclusió de Col·lectius de Risc, JocViu Associació and Open Cultural Center.
  • Madrid: AlfaSAAC, Asociación YouSocial Volunteer, Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado, Envera-Asociación de Empleados de Iberia Padres de Personas con Discapacidad, Federación Española de Párkinson, Fundación Acción Contra el Hambre, Fundación Creality, Fundación Esperanza y Alegría, Fundación para la Acción Social por la Música, Petales España, PSE por la Sonrisa de un Niño and Speak Madrid.
  • Basque Country: Agintzari SCIS, Asociación CEAR-Euskadi, Avifes-Asociación Vizcaína de Familiares y Personas con Enfermedad Mental, Bizipoz, Fundación Argia and Fundación EDE.
  • Andalusia: Asociación Española para los Efectos del Tratamiento del Cáncer, Fundación el Gancho Infantil and Fundación Universo Accesible.
  • Aragon: Asociación Aragonesa para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad desde el Valle del río Jalón, Asociación Reciclaje Tecnológico and Fundación Genes y Gentes.
  • Galicia: Asociación Diversidades and ONGD SenValos.
  • Asturias: Riquirraque Emaús.
  • Canary Islands: Social Innovation Cluster for Change.
  • Navarre: Nabut Navarra SLU.



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