
Mar Reguant wins the sixteenth Banco Sabadell Award for Economic Research

  • Dr Reguant received the award for her research in the field of energy and environmental economics.
  • The Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research, consisting of €30,000, acknowledges the work of researchers in the fields of economic, business, legal and social knowledge.

The Jury of the sixteenth Banco Sabadell Award for Economic Research has recognised Dr Mar Reguant as the winner of the 2017 award, consisting of €30,000, for her research in the field of energy and environmental economics. The award will be given out on 3rd October at the Banco Sabadell headquarters in Oviedo.

Dr Reguant has adopted a theoretical and empirical perspective to study the role of auctions in electricity markets, in which various companies offer their available electrical capacity at different prices. Furthermore, she has contributed to the research into these markets by introducing key aspects into her analysis including the different costs in terms of time associated with switching on and starting up the power plants.

She has also developed a successful line of research into environmental economics. In particular, she has studied the greenhouse gas emissions markets, comparing different mechanisms aimed at reducing pollution. Her research shows that competition policies increase the efficiency of environmental policies.

More about Dr Mar Reguant

Dr Reguant has a degree in Economics from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and a PhD in Economics from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and she was a professor at Stanford University. She is currently a professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research.

This award, consisting of €30,000, aims to foster and recognise the work of researchers in the fields of economic, business, legal and social knowledge, and to contribute to the analysis and creation of new alternatives that promote social welfare. The award has been given out every year since 2002.

It is aimed at researchers under the age of 40 who have an outstanding research curriculum in the aforementioned fields. Candidates for the Award can be put forward by universities, academic and research centres, foundations, companies and other institutions both in Spain and abroad.

More about the Banco Sabadell Foundation

The Banco Sabadell Foundation was set up as a private foundation in 1994, with the aim of stimulating excellence and promoting cultural knowledge. Its objective is to promote outreach, training and research activities in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, whilst fostering and supporting young, talented professionals.

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