Corporate Raúl Rodriguez, BS Capitald, and Josep Lluís Sanfeliu, Asabys Partners.

Banco Sabadell and Asabys Partners team up to create a new venture capital fund in the health sector

  • Sabadell Asabys Health Innovation Fundwill carry out early investments in Biotech, Medtech, Digital Health and Innovative Services in Spain, UK and Israel.
  • The financial institution is a benchmark investor in this new fund, which aims to reach 60 million euros.
  • Asabys Partners is a specialist investment firm in the health and technology sectors, with a team specialising in these sectors and extensive venture capital experience, led by Josep Lluís Sanfeliu.

Banco Sabadell and Asabys Partners, founded by Josep Lluis Sanfeliu, have created a new venture capital fund which will centre its investment activity on innovation in the health sector, with a target of reaching 60 million euros. The new fund is known as “Sabadell Asabys Health Innovation Fund”. It will carry out initial investments in Biotech, Metech, Digital Health and Innovative Services in the health sector, primarily investing in Spain, as well as the UK and Israel.

The fund could obtain up to 6 million euros per company, and expects to work closely with research centres and benchmark hospitals. It is worth highlighting that Banco Sabadell’s participation is proof of its continued commitment to investment in the health sector, acting as a benchmark investor in this fund, together with Asabys, recently launched by Sanfeliu, ex-co-founder/partner of Ysios Capital.

Spain is currently a benchmark in terms of life science research, and there are a significant number of projects in Spain which are in their initial stages. This project has been launched with the purpose of making the most of this opportunity, and also ahead of the lack of specialist private investors in the early stages of investment.

“Banco Sabadell’s commitment to Asabys Partners shows its trust in a highly-qualified human team, with a long track record in venture capital and health, in an emerging sector which is consolidating its growth and contribution to the economy and the opportunity to develop projects which offer potential returns with a strong social, as well as financial, impact” confirms Raúl Rodríguez, Director of Banco Sabadell Capital.

Josep Lluís Sanfeliu, from Asabys Partners, confirms that “the life sciences and health technology sectors are currently undergoing a period of extraordinary growth which requires financial backing in the early stages to fulfil medical requirements which are not yet covered, making the most of disruptive innovation, with a specialist, diversified and innovative business vision".

In this regard, it is worth highlighting that since 2006 Banco Sabadell Foundation has awarded annual Biomedical Research prizes, with the objective of recognising the excellence of young researchers with a notable trajectory in the biomedical research and health science fields, who stand out due to their capacity for innovation. It is worth highlighting the contributions of the majority of the award winners, such as the work carried out in the field of oncology by Dr. Joan Seoane, developments in colon cancer research by Dr. Eduard Batlle and his team, the study of biophysical mechanisms and their interaction with cells by Dr. Xavier Trepat, or stem cell and cancer research by Dr. Salvador Aznar.

Furthermore, Banco Sabadell Foundation collaborates with BIST (Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology) since it was established, and together with BIST it created the Award for Science and Engineering in 2017. Dr. Romain Quidant was the first person to win this award, in recognition of his contributions in the field of nanophotonics. Further proof of Banco Sabadell Foundation’s commitment to science are the Scientific Research grants which it has been awarding for the past 24 years to pre-doctoral applicants, and its involvement in the sponsorship of entities such as the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.

Banco Sabadell Group positioned itself as a benchmark investor in Ysios Biofund II Innvierte, with the additional allocation of resources to carry out direct joint-investments with the same fund in Spain. Equally, Sabadell Venture Capital has carried out a direct investment in Anaconda Biomed, a medical technology company, for the treatment of ischemic strokes in the field of neurosurgery, together with Ysios Capital.


BStartup Health
Parallel to this, it is worth highlighting that Banco Sabadell is opening its BStartup Programme up to the health sector through a nationwide call in which 3 innovative projects in bio-pharma, e-health and medical devices  in their early stages will each receive an investment of €75,000. The 3 winning projects will also benefit from a programme in which they will be accompanied to support their progress in validating their technology and market, enabling them to access new rounds of financing. This call will be formalised in June, and aims to provide continuity to Banco Sabadell’s global strategy to support the Health sector.

Therefore, Banco Sabadell Group strengthens its position as a linking agent in the health sector, covering the different stages of investment through Banco Sabadell Foundation, BStartup Health, Aurica and through its partnerships with Ysios Capital and Asabys Partners.

More information about Asabys
Asabys Partners is an investment firm specialising in innovation, technology and health. Founded by Josep Lluís Sanfeliu in 2018, together with other professionals specialising in professional investment and venture capital, whilst maintaining a sectoral focus on the science, technology, innovation and health sectors.

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