Web and technology

Banco Sabadell is organising the first hackathon to boost digital innovation in the financial sector with the collaboration of Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Banco Sabadell, together with Mobile World Capital Barcelona, is organising the Instant Banking Hack Day, a hackathon focussed in the banking and financial environment, to be held next 11 and 12 October at the Mobile World Centre (Fontanella, 2), in Barcelona.   The hackathon concept (derived from “marathon” and “hacker”) defines an increasingly popular event which brings together in the same venue and for a short period of time a large number of programmers in order to generate new ideas and applications.

At this first event of its kind, the participants in the Instant Banking Hack Day (as this hackathon is called) will work on creating new web and mobile applications to enhance the direct experience of users in four aspects: means of payment, transformation of customer service, the Internet of things and contextual and predictive services.

The Instant Banking Hack Day will see the exclusive debut for all the participants of the open access to the bank service API, so they can develop their projects in the most real environment possible, with direct access to a test area that is an exact replica of the Internet banking services of the bank.  

A hackathon open to talent
Participation in the hackathon is free of charge. As from today and until 12.00 on 26 September, those interested can register at instantbankinghackday.org. A specialised jury will select those taking part from among all the candidatures received. The projects will be developed in teams of between 2 and 5 persons.  

The winning team of the Instant Banking Hack Day will be awarded with the development of their project, will benefit from a fast track for the BStartup 10 program of the Banco Sabadell and tickets for the second 4YFN, the international entrepreneurship meeting organised by the Mobile World Capital Barcelona. In addition, they will win a 5,000 euro grant to develop the project in the Incubio incubator (which offers an
API to access geolocalised information on companies and locations, such as nearby restaurants with the best ratings) and an advanced training course in secure development taught by  Deloitte CyberSOC Academy, and valued at 2,500 euros.

There will also be a recognition for the project with the strongest technical development and the most innovative and creative team, an award to be presented by the creativity school Complot, with a special prize for the youngest team. All will receive a fast track for the Banco Sabadell BStartup 10 program and other prizes related to Incubio, Imagine Express, 4YFN, Deloitte CyberSOC Academy, Everis and the Inlea Foundation.
  The event will be attended by the leading world companies in their sector such as Everis, Deloitte, MasterCard and Telefónica and a full panel of renowned mentors who will accompany the development of the projects.   Entrepreneurship, the foundation of growth and innovation Historically, one of Banco Sabadell’s identifying features has been its special sensibility towards the corporate world together with its pioneering role in everything surrounding the implementation of new technologies in banking activities.  

Chief amongst its most recent initiatives is the creation of BStartup, a business division specialised in providing service and financing to startups (and especially those of a technological nature) and the development of the Sabadell Open Apps platform, which opens its doors to the talent of new companies and via which several innovative solutions have already been presented, such as the first worldwide banking application for Google Glass.  

More information and registration details at: instantbankinghackday.org
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Banco de Sabadell, S.A. Avenida Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered with the Mercantile Register in Alicante, tome 4070, folio 1, page A-156980, Fiscal Identification Number (NIF) A08000143.
Financial institution under the supervision of the Bank of Spain and registered in the Special Administrative Register under number 0081
Email address info@bancsabadell.com - Banco de Sabadell, SA, 2014. All rights reserved.